The parent company changes name to Ependion AB.
Kristine Lindberg appointed President of the Beijer Electronics business entity.
Lena Westerholm hired in the newly created role of Group Sustainability Manager.
The company’s share moves up to Nasdaq Stockholm’s Mid Cap list.
Jenny Sjödahl becomes Ependion’s new President & CEO
The group signs a new finance deal, creating good potential to continue pursuing a proactive M&A agenda.
The group adopts new financial targets, upgrading and clarifying its growth and profitability targets.
New group structure introduced in 2017, and the parent company changes corporate name to Beijer Electronics Group. President of the Beijer Electronics business entity appointed, and new Group Management created.
The Board decides on a fully guaranteed rights issue of some 225 MSEK to increase the group’s development tempo (2017).
In 2019, the group acquires Neratec in Switzerland and Virtual Access in Ireland through its Westermo business entity.
The covid pandemic strikes the world. The group takes preventative action in spring 2020 to deal with the expected consequences.
In 2021, the group acquires Eltec in Germany through its Westermo business entity.
After over 30 years of close partnership, Mitsubishi Electric and Beijer Electronics go their separate ways, because their strategies significantly differ.
Per Samuelsson becomes President & CEO. A turnaround involves a new group strategy, altered group structure and focus on a winning corporate culture.
To improve share liquidity, a share split is conducted in 2011, dividing each share into three.
Turkish automation enterprise Petek, now Beijer Electronics, acquired in 2013.
2005 -2010
Most acquisitions executed, including businesses in Taiwan (2006 & 2010), and Westermo (2007). Proprietary offices opened in several markets.
Beijer Electronics listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange after spinning off from former parent company G & L Beijer AB. The company begins its journey towards acquisition-led growth.
In the late-1980s, Beijer Electronics starts developing proprietary operator panels, introducing the first MAC series in 1990.
Beijer Electronics starts operations as a distributor of Mitsubishi Electrics’ automation products in the Nordics.
Beijer Group has changed name to Ependion